Le FMI a publié en janvier 2016, un rapport sur les impacts économiques de l’immigration massive en Europe (disponible ici). Si l’institution mondialiste ne cesse de répéter que l’immigration est une chance pour les peuples blancs, le rapport préconise une série de mesures pour faciliter l’intégration des arrivants dans leurs nouvelles colonies.
Le point 25 du rapport (page 19) préconise, pour faciliter leur intégration sur le marché du travail, de supprimer le salaire minimum temporairement pour les « migrants » !
Granting temporary and limited exceptions from minimum wages for refugees may also be helpful.
Targeted and temporary exemptions from minimum wages may be justified on the grounds that they would offset the asylum seekers’ unique initial disadvantages relative to native workers.
Legislation in many countries allows this flexibility. For instance, in Germany recognized refugees should be treated like the long-term unemployed in the minimum wage legislation, as suggested by the German Council of Economic Experts, that is, they should be exempt from the minimum wage for the first six months of employment.
However, the benefits of these targeted interventions should be carefully weighed against the risk of creating labor market dualities that may be difficult to unwind. The temporary nature of such schemes and their underlying motivation should be clearly communicated to the native labor force to minimize potential resentment against refugees who may be perceived as competitors on the labor market.
Le cynisme est latent, puisque le rapport préconise de bien expliquer aux indigènes les motifs de cette exception, afin que les travailleurs immigrés ne soient pas considérés comme des concurrents…
Les patrons de multinationales se frottent les mains !